Every now and then the time comes when I must heal a little deeper and such a time is now with the transiting Pluto having made a conjunction with my natal Chiron. When something physical, emotional or interpersonal happens in my life I can always see the symbolic announcement of that theme in the astrological chart. Pluto ‘s transit over Chiron is a generational transit, so many of my peers may have gone through a similar transition lately. It may be a period of four to five years. The theme that gets triggered is always very individual, depending on many factors and aspects of each specific life.
Pluto usually has to do with brining to the surface hidden issues and confronts us with the urgency to transform by having to go through a process of death and rebirth, letting go of the old to make place for the new, or destruction that is needed for the new to take shape. Chiron has to do with lifelong deep-seated wounds that may not be easily detected consciously. We usually protect ourselves from these pains with psychological defence mechanisms, but eventually it is so important to transform and grow beyond the challenges we were given in our lifetime if we choose to do so. These challenges may also refer to ancestral or generational wounds needed to be addressed.
The very individualized symptom that came up for me during this Pluto/Chiron transit, was my knees. The pain in my knees prevented my mobility and my ability to having fun in my usual activities. I won’t go into all the detail of the astrological house positions and sighs, or other planets connected at this point. A specific astrological transit never happens in isolation, there was of course other transits that instigated awareness of the need for deeper personal healing that preceded the Pluto/Chiron one, but I will only talk about this one now and how at this time it brought interesting awarenesses to consciousness for deeper healing.
The problem with my knees started to occur over a long period of time, which I ignored and chugged along anyway, doing only what I was capable of, instead of addressing my physical problem. It was too easy to say, o my knees got injured by all the running, cycling and dancing I did, so no wonder I have a knee problem. To leave it like that was not an option for me now. I understood that the challenge of the physical symptom lied not only in strengthening my muscles and using physiotherapy, cold packs to get the inflammation down, having ex-rays and seeing a sports medicine doctor, but to also address the spiritual reason for this problem. I am a physical and spiritual person, so both factors needed to be looked at. The first clue of integrating the Masculine and Feminine, is to look at both the physical and spiritual side of my being.
I love to listen to podcasts on astrology and philosophy, that provokes my own thinking and contemplation. Not all I listen to is just taken as is. My soul and mind scrutinize what I hear so I can distinguish between what is personal opinions from the presenter who may be influenced by their personal history or psychological issues, and what resonates as true for me. One such a podcast was that of Divine Harmony, an astrologer, writer and teacher with a Master’s Degree in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. She talked about how the myths and legends of the stars, changed over time according to the era of ones in ruling power at the time. As she followed and researched the myths of the constellations, she noticed how the divine feminine became oppressed in myth, to be replaced by masculine gods. She also noticed how the astrological transits currently are moving towards an awakening of the feminine archetype. Astrological transits will help us remember the original myths that regard and integrate the Feminine, to bring back balance between psychological aspects in all of us. Divine Harmony further said something that stood out to me personally. She said that the Divine Feminine is waking us up to bring her consciousness back into matter. We need to bring her down into our bodies and the earth to reunite her into our practical lives, not just live from the heart upwards, but also from the heart downwards towards rootedness into the earth.
When I woke up in the early hours of the next morning, I researched the spiritual meaning of knee problems and pain. Synchronicity is a wonderful thing. It is how my spiritual nature works. What resonated with me in reading the different websites was the fact that the knees are the “link between our bodily and spiritual identities”. The knees are symbolic of both our power and our weakness because it relates to the way we support ourselves both physically, emotionally and spiritually. Pain in the knees may indicate a time of transition and the inner fear of moving through a transitional phase. Pain can also indicate the need to address a fear of being vulnerable and not asking for support during transformation processes, but it is significantly the need to bridge the spiritual with the physical. Knees are the foundational joints that anchor and root us, make us feel stable in life and gaining balance.
All these core concepts and words touched me deeply. As I am working on my muscle strengthening and flexibility exercises, I now also work on the theme of bring my full spiritual expression, my inner divine feminine, into full physical manifestation through my body, without fear of rejection or convention which I held for so long because of patriarchal social conditioning. I realized that I repressed my spiritual side into darkness and held ‘her’ in secrecy. I now visualize my physical strength and flexibility coming through from the spiritual realm into my body. It empowers my root chakra, grounding me with the earth and my earthly life as a complete wholeness. I have rootedness are both physical and spiritual. My knees are the link between heaven and earth, between my masculine and feminine aspects of being. Rootedness was a Chiron wound for me for a long time because of my immigration that felt like a physical uprooted life. That wound can finally heal.
Bring divine Feminine fearlessly into physical manifestation by grounding ‘her’ (that part of yourself) in your body and into the earth so we once again honor mother earth and our spiritual nature.
For as long as I practiced my career as a psychologist, I talked about reconnecting with the Feminine in our psyches. This concept is discussed in detail in Carl Gustav Jung’s philosophy and applies to both men and woman. Many people are starting to talk about this over the last decade or so. I am not the only soul who felt the disparity and need to balance these essences, Masculine and Feminine, of our psyche. Patriarchy, as a universal time phase, has conditioned us and suppressed the Feminine so cruelly and firmly, in so many ways, that it caused a lot of imbalances in lives, society and in the collective psyche. Without realizing it, I too fell victim of hiding my spiritual side (and I am not taking of religion) for so long; intuition, dreams, creativity, soulful connections and esoteric experiences, were kept secret. Even though I knew rationally that this side of me is awake, my fears of social rejection kept me withdrawn. My troubled knees told me to not only live from my heart up to the heavens, but also from my heart down deep into the earth and practical physical life. The link between these dimensions is busy healing through not only exercises, but also making art. More on my art making about this experience next time. I will focus specifically on my awareness of my personal process of transformation in a piece of work I am currently busy with.
Love and Blessings,